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Our recent Quality Assurance Assessment in October 2015
was hugely successful with us achieving 96%!

1. Governance and Strategic Planning

Home-Start governs itself effectively and responsibly ensuring that its legal and financial obligations are met. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and trustees have the necessary qualities, skills and knowledge to fulfil the mission and objectives of the charity. Planning is based on the needs of the communities served and on the Home-Start approach and ethos. Home-Start ensures that any activities maintain the Home-Start ethos and focus on the provision of high quality support to families.

2. Learning and Improving
Home-Start maintains and improves the quality of its services to families by using the Home-Start quality assurance system. Plans are based on the needs of the communities they serve and on the Home-Start approach and ethos. Clear priorities and targets are set, reviewed and regularly updated. Home-Start assesses the impact and outcomes of its work. Collecting the views of families, volunteers and other agencies is integral to the work. Monitoring and evaluation informs decision making and is used to shape and promote the services.

3. Managing Resources
Home-Start manages its money and resources effectively. Budgets are carefully monitored and risks assessed. Trustees ensure reliable financial controls are in place and are compliant with regulatory and legal requirements. Adequate funds are secured to ensure financial viability.

4. Managing Staff
Home-Start recruits and supports the right staff to achieve its mission. There are adequate numbers of staff to carry out the work undertaken. Staff have the appropriate skills, know who they are accountable to and understand their role. All legal, regulatory and employment requirements are met.

5. Managing Volunteers
Home-Start works with its volunteers for the benefit of families and the volunteers themselves. Suitable volunteers are recruited, selected, trained and appropriately deployed according to their skills and experience. Volunteers understand their roles and responsibilities, are valued, supervised regularly and supported.

6. Managing Information
Home-Start demonstrates that confidentiality, dignity and respect are fundamental principles. Relationships with families are built within clear confidentiality and information sharing guidelines. The scheme stores and manages information effectively,
complying with relevant legislation. Home-Start records and analyses data accurately to assess the impact and outcomes of its work.

7. Welfare of Children & Supporting Families
Home-Start offers volunteer support to families within their own home. The service is focused on identified needs, and is well managed and regularly reviewed. Additional services are established where there is an identified need and it complements the core work of Home-Start. The welfare and rights of children are central to all Home-Start support to families. The scheme deals with safeguarding/child protection issues effectively, backed by robust policy and procedures. All activities with children are carried out safely, managing risk appropriately..

8. Working in Partnership
Home-Start engages with the wider Home-Start network, and with local agencies and professionals in order to ensure best practice in family support.


© 2009 Home-Start Rochdale
Company Limited by Guarantee number 5282419 Registered in England & Wales and Registered Charity number 1107258.